
Tekken 6 – wrażenia Japońskich graczy

Arcadia Magazine opublikował wrażenia czołowych Tekkenowców z KKW nt. najnowszej odsłony Tekkena. Są to Hameko, Takeyama, Tarechichi i Yuu (członek zwycięskiego teamu w DR na ostatnim SBO, jeden z najlepszych Fengów na świecie).
Co powiedzieli? Jak widzą T6? Wszystko w dalszej części newsa.

Hameko: First of all, Lili in T6 is beyond cute. She has a Federation uniform outfit like Sa*la! (Sayla Mass from Mobile Suit Gundam… maybe? – MarkMan) Her customization stuff is just hardcore. Because I have a lot of characters I’m responsible for, it’ll take forever talking about them so I’ll just comment on the general stuff. The beautiful graphics making the characters stand out more, the special effects which create a heavier, uplifting feeling, more manga-ish special effects, with the unchanging responses, keeping the Tekken principle “Just moving the characters around is fun”, I have felt the Tekken evolution.

Takeyama: Of all the characters I messed with, I had the most fun with Yoshimitsu! Playing without his sword in his hand was something very new. In this situation, if you do moves like u+1+2, he falls onto the ground. Moves like FC d,d/b+1 becoming blockable was very fun to see. On the other hand, there seemed to be moves that became better when Yoshi had his sword put away. As a result, Yoshimitsu being the original tricky character, I believe these additions for him were a great thing.

Tarechichi Ganryu/Kenbou: I experienced love at first sight when I saw the nimble yet obese “Bob”! I played him right away and then was surprised thats he had a crouch dash. Although I may have given my heart more towards Zafina, with her weird (way too weird?) 3 stances. There are new systems added to the game, with the bound system being my personal favorite. There should be about double the damage done, but then damage seemed to be the same as before… hmm … maybe the health bar doubled? Well anyways, I’m looking forward to the future tweaks!

Yuu: Although I played only for a bit, Feng, Lee, and Bryan seemed to be powered up! They have improved due to the new changes made: bound combos and after low parrying situations. Feng is still an all mighty character, Bryan seemed to have gotten great new mid moves, and with Lee there seemed to be changes in the moves from Hitman stance, making him into a very fun character! The best of all, the bound combos were simply way too cool LOL. I can’t wait for the launch.

Można mieć obawy co do balansu (polepszenie Fenga i Bryana względem DR?) ale pamiętajmy, że do premiery wersji automatowej zostało kilka tygodni (Japończycy nie wypowiadają się na temat wersji finalnej), nie wspominając o konsolach, których to użytkownicy muszę czekać jeszcze rok.